Helpful Content Update: 4 Important Steps

helpful content update
Most bloggers got frustrated with the outcome of the helpful content update.

Background on the Helpful Content Update

Google’s Helpful Content Update (HCU) on September 2023 has had a significant impact on websites and content creators, including this one. With this update, Google aims to prioritize helpful and valuable content in search results. This means that websites with high-quality, informative, and user-focused content are more likely to rank higher, while those with low-quality or irrelevant content may see a drop in their rankings.

The HCU has created a clear distinction between content creators who understand the importance of producing helpful content and those who do not. The winners are the ones who have embraced this update and have taken a systematic approach to creating content that meets the needs and expectations of their target audience. They have focused on providing valuable information, solving problems, and answering questions that their readers have.

On the other hand, the losers are the content creators who have failed to adapt to the changing landscape. They may have relied on outdated search engine optimization (SEO) tactics or produced shallow and unhelpful content that does not provide any real value to their audience. As a result, their rankings have suffered, and they have lost visibility in search results.

In this article, we will explore what exactly makes up helpful content, the characteristics that make it stand out, and how content creators can take a systematic approach to producing content that is truly valuable to their readers. By understanding and implementing these strategies, content creators can position themselves as winners in the era of Google’s Helpful Content Update.

What is Helpful Content?

To produce helpful content, it is crucial to clearly understand what exactly makes up helpful content. In Google’s Helpful Content Update, it is important to align our definition of helpful content with what Google expects.

Helpful content, as defined by Google, is content that 1. provides value, 2. solves problems, and 3. answers questions that users have. It goes beyond simply providing information and focuses on meeting the needs and expectations of the target audience. This means that helpful content should be informative, relevant, and user-focused.

Thus, simple blogging on your experience without implied value won’t work. To make it work, you need to satisfy those three attributes.

In order to create helpful content, content creators need to conduct thorough research to understand their target audience’s challenges, interests, and preferences. By gaining insights into what their audience is looking for, content creators can tailor their content to address those specific needs.

Additionally, helpful content should be well-structured and easy to navigate. Clear headings and subheadings should be used to organize the content in a logical manner, making it easy for users to find the information they are looking for quickly.

By adhering to Google’s definition of helpful content and taking a user-centric approach, content creators can produce content that not only satisfies the search engine’s requirements but also provides genuine value to their audience. This alignment between what Google expects and what content creators deliver is essential for creating helpful content that ranks well and resonates with users.

Characteristics of a Helpful Content in More Detail

Content creators view helpful content as having several key characteristics.

1. Valuable Information

Content should provide valuable information that applies to the target audience’s needs and interests. This means understanding the pain points and preferences of the audience and addressing them meaningfully. By doing so, content creators can establish themselves as trusted sources of information.

2. Well-structured and Easy to Navigate

Helpful content should be well-structured and easy to navigate. This includes using clear headings and subheadings, bullet points, and concise paragraphs. A logical organization helps users find the information they need quickly and easily.

3. Engaging and Interactive

Content creators believe that helpful content should be engaging and interactive. Content creators believe that they can achieve this by using visuals, such as images, videos, and infographics, as well as incorporating interactive elements like quizzes or surveys. When the content is interactive, it encourages users to participate and improves their overall experience.

helpful content
A mind map like this can be made interactive by adding links to the figures.

Content creators stress the significance of maintaining congruence between what Google expects helpful content to be and their own belief in how it should be produced.

While Google’s guidelines are essential for ranking well in search results, content creators also prioritize creating content that resonates with their audience and provides genuine value.

According to a survey conducted among content creators, 85% believe that aligning with Google’s expectations while also meeting the needs of their audience is crucial for producing helpful content. This highlights the importance of balancing SEO optimization and user-centric content creation. By incorporating these characteristics into their content, content creators can produce helpful content that ranks well and resonates with users.

Systematic Approach to Writing Helpful Content: 4 Important Steps

A systematic approach to writing helpful content is essential for content creators to meet the expectations of both Google and their target audience. Content creators can optimize their content for search engines and address the needs and intent of their users by following a step-by-step guide.

Here’s the suggested format to write helpful content in a more systematic manner:

1. Do keyword research

The first step in this systematic approach is conducting thorough keyword research. By identifying the keywords and phrases that are relevant to the topic and align with user search queries, content creators can optimize their content for search engine visibility.

2. Focus on understanding user intent

Next, content creators should focus on understanding user intent. This involves analyzing the search intent behind specific keywords and tailoring the content to provide the information or solution that users are seeking. By addressing user intent, content creators can ensure that their content is valuable and relevant to their target audience.

3. Create content

Once the keywords and user intent have been identified, content creators can begin the process of content creation. This includes structuring the content in a logical and organized manner, using headings and subheadings to guide readers through the information.

Additionally, content creators should incorporate visuals, such as images or videos, to enhance the overall user experience and attract more web traffic. This action encourages meaningful interaction.

4. Optimize content for SEO

Finally, content creators should review and optimize their content for SEO. This involves ensuring that the content is properly formatted, including meta tags, alt tags for images, and relevant internal and external links. By optimizing the content for SEO, content creators can increase its visibility in search engine results and attract more organic traffic.

By following this systematic approach to writing helpful content, content creators can produce high-quality content that meets the expectations of both Google and their target audience.


In conclusion, producing helpful content is crucial for content creators to succeed in today’s digital landscape. By following a systematic approach to writing, content creators can ensure that their content meets the expectations of both search engines and their target audience.

Here’s to sum it up:

Foremost, thorough keyword research is essential. By identifying relevant keywords and aligning them with user search queries, content creators can optimize their content for search engine visibility. This helps their content to be discovered by users who are actively seeking information or solutions.

Understanding user intent is equally important. By analyzing the search intent behind specific keywords, content creators can tailor their content to provide valuable and relevant information. This ensures that their content addresses the needs and intent of their target audience.

Structuring the content in a logical and organized manner is another key aspect. Using headings and subheadings helps guide readers through the information, making it easier to consume and understand. Incorporating visuals, such as images or videos, further enhances the user experience.

Last, content creators should review and optimize their content for SEO. Proper formatting, including meta tags, alt tags for images, and relevant internal and external links, helps increase visibility in search engine results.

By producing helpful content that is optimized for search engines and addresses user needs, content creators can attract more organic web traffic and establish themselves as trusted authorities in their respective fields.

So, remember to prioritize helpfulness in your content creation efforts to achieve long-term success.