Search Engine Optimization: Is Google Losing to AI Chatbots Like ChatGPT?

search engine optimization
Search engine optimization is volatile and a headache nowadays.


Search engine optimization concerns have become a major topic of concern in popular forum sites like Reddit since Google’s Helpful Content Update or HCU in September 2023. Many blogs and websites were significantly affected because of the new algorithmic changes that Google did since that month.

This blog was among those affected by the HCU, plummeting from 5,000 page views per day at its peak in September 2023 to barely a thousand these recent days. Relatively fewer people view the pages of over 50% of the blogs because of those major changes.

Search optimization strategies adopted by so called Search Engine Optimization or SEO experts appear to have been ineffective in mitigating the obliterating impact of HCU. HCU recovery is difficult to come by.

What makes the changes more frustrating for me is the apparent instability of the series of updates made by Google after the HCU. I can sense almost weekly changes as I monitor the blog’s performance in Google’s Search Console, which shows web traffic daily.

Google’s constant changes in its algorithm would have been in response to the growing complexity accorded by the rise of artificial intelligence chatbots or Large Language Models (LLM) like ChatGPT. And Microsoft has been gaining ground. Based on my analysis of web traffic coming from Bing, Microsoft’s search engine, because at those times web traffic in my blog suffered from September to November 2023, web traffic from Bing doubled.

Let me explain the situation further by giving you a brief background on the search engine and optimization. I will make special mention of Google as the dominant search engine of our time. And it may not be for long as internet search optimization undergoes significant revamp due to artificial intelligence as a major player.

Google as the King of Search for more than a decade may no longer be such unless it meets users’ expectations as it used to. There have been complaints that Google search no longer works as well as it did. Google search results are getting worse.


Search engines play a crucial role in our digital world, helping users discover and access the vast amount of content available on the internet. Understanding the background of search engines is essential to comprehend their significance in today’s online landscape.

Search engines emerged as a response to the growing need for efficient and effective information retrieval. As the internet expanded exponentially, it became increasingly challenging for users to find relevant content amidst the vast sea of websites. This led to the development of search engines, which act as gateways to the internet, indexing and organizing web pages to facilitate easy access.

One of the most prominent search engines that revolutionized the way we search for information is Google. Founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google quickly gained popularity because of its innovative approach to search algorithms.

Unlike its predecessors, Google’s algorithm, known as PageRank, ranked web pages based on their relevance and authority, rather than simply relying on keyword matching. This approach significantly improved search results, providing users with more accurate and valuable information.

Google’s success can be attributed to its commitment to delivering the best user experience. By continuously refining its search algorithms, Google ensures users receive the most relevant and high-quality results for their queries. This dedication to user satisfaction has made Google the dominant search engine, with a market share of over 90%.

The dominance of Google has had a profound impact on the way content creators approach their work. With most internet users relying on Google for information, writers, website owners, and marketers have recognized the importance of optimizing their content to rank higher in search results. This practice, known as search engine optimization (SEO), involves various strategies and techniques aimed at improving a website’s visibility and organic traffic.

Over the past decade, SEO has grown significantly. In the early days, keyword stuffing and other manipulative tactics were prevalent, leading to poor user experiences and unreliable search results.

However, search engines, including Google, have become increasingly sophisticated in detecting and penalizing such practices. Today, SEO focuses on creating high-quality, user-centric content that meets the needs and expectations of both search engines and users.


In today’s digital landscape, search engine optimization (SEO) has become an essential practice for writers and content creators. With the vast amount of information available on the internet, it is crucial for writers to be mindful of the need to optimize their content for search engines. By understanding the history and evolution of optimization strategies, writers can effectively adapt their approach to meet the changing demands of search engines and improve their online visibility.

Over the past decade, SEO has undergone significant transformations. In the early days, optimization strategies primarily focused on keyword stuffing and other manipulative tactics to manipulate search engine rankings.

However, search engines, including Google, quickly recognized the negative impact of such practices on user experience or UX and search results reliability. As a result, search engines refined their algorithms to detect and penalize these manipulative tactics.

Today, SEO has grown into a more user-centric approach. Content creators now prioritize creating high-quality, valuable content that meets the needs and expectations of both search engines and users.

Instead of solely focusing on keyword density, writers now strive to provide informative and engaging content that answers users’ queries and provides relevant information.

Search Engine Optimization: Is Google Losing to AI Chatbots Like ChatGPT? 1

One of the key factors that have influenced the shift towards user-centric SEO is the dominance of Google as a search engine. With over 90% market share, Google’s search algorithms have a significant impact on the visibility and success of websites. Google’s commitment to delivering the best user experience has led to continuous updates and improvements in its algorithms, favoring websites that provide valuable content and a positive user experience.

In recent years, Google has placed increasing importance on factors such as website speed, mobile-friendliness, and user engagement metrics. Websites that prioritize these aspects are more likely to rank higher in search results and attract organic traffic. As a result, writers and content creators have had to adapt their strategies to align with these evolving ranking factors.

Another significant development in the world of SEO is the emergence of voice search. With the increasing popularity of voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, optimizing content for voice search has become crucial. Voice search queries are more conversational and long-tail (meaning, not just a single word or two but almost in sentence form), requiring writers to create content that addresses specific questions and provides concise, informative answers.

The rise of social media platforms has also affected SEO strategies. Social signals, such as likes, shares, and comments, now play a role in search engine rankings. Writers and content creators need to consider social media engagement and incorporate shareable elements into their content to increase its visibility and reach.


The world of search engine optimization (SEO) experienced a significant shift in November 2022 with the introduction of ChatGPT. This revolutionary chatbot, developed by OpenAI, brought about a new era in content creation and optimization. The impact of ChatGPT on SEO practices has been profound, leading to a reevaluation of the traditional focus on Google as the dominant search engine.

Prior to the emergence of ChatGPT, Google held a stronghold on the search engine market, with its algorithms dictating the rules of SEO. Content creators and writers tailored their strategies to meet Google’s ranking factors, aiming to secure top positions in search results. However, the rise of chatbots like CoPilot with Bing Chat has challenged this paradigm.

ChatGPT and similar chatbots have introduced a new way of generating content. These AI-powered tools can assist writers in creating high-quality, relevant content by providing suggestions, generating ideas, and even writing portions of the text. This collaboration between human writers and AI chatbots has opened up new possibilities for content creation and optimization.

With the integration of CoPilot with Bing Chat, content creators now have access to a powerful tool that can assist them in optimizing their content for search engines other than Google. Bing, as the second-largest search engine, has gained traction in recent years.

The changes brought about by chatbots like CoPilot have shifted the focus of content creators away from solely targeting Google. While Google still holds a significant share of the search engine market, the emergence of alternative search engines and AI-powered tools has diversified the SEO landscape. Content creators now can optimize their content for multiple search engines, reaching a wider audience and increasing their online visibility.

Chatbots have also influenced the way content is created and optimized. With the help of AI chatbots, writers can generate content that is more conversational, engaging, and tailored to specific user queries. This aligns with the growing trend of voice search, where users are increasingly using voice assistants to perform searches. By creating content that is optimized for voice search and conversational queries, content creators can tap into this expanding market and attract organic traffic.


The previous sections discussed the significant shift in search engine optimization (SEO) brought about by the integration of ChatGPT in CoPilot with Bing Chat. This new era in content creation and optimization has diversified the SEO landscape, moving away from the sole focus on Google as the dominant search engine. Content creators now can optimize their content for multiple search engines, reaching a wider audience and increasing their online visibility.

The collaboration between human writers and AI chatbots has opened up new possibilities for content creation and optimization. With the help of AI chatbots, writers can generate high-quality, relevant content that is tailored to specific user queries and optimized for voice search. This aligns with the growing trend of voice assistants and conversational queries, allowing content creators to tap into this expanding market and attract organic traffic.