How to Make a Research Question Using CoPilot with Bing Chat: 5 Examples

I tried an approach leveraging AI to come up with research questions. In this article, I describe some questions I used on how to make a research question using CoPilot with Bing Chat, an integrated facility in the Bing browser. Read on how I did it and how it helped me narrow down the topic.

how to make a research question
Ai-powered chatbots can suggest research questions easily.


AI technology has revolutionized various aspects of our lives, including the way we conduct research. With the integration of AI in browsers like AI-powered chatbot CoPilot with Bing Chat, users now have access to a powerful tool that can help them generate research questions. By leveraging the capabilities of AI, individuals can receive valuable suggestions for research study topics.

The integration of AI in CoPilot with Bing Chat allows users to tap into a vast amount of information and knowledge. These AI-powered tools can analyze data, identify patterns, and generate insights that can be used to formulate research questions.

By using AI to make a research question, individuals can save time and effort in the initial stages of their research. Instead of starting from scratch, AI can provide a starting point and guide users towards relevant and interesting research topics. This integration of AI in CoPilot with Bing Chat opens up new possibilities for researchers, enabling them to explore a wide range of subjects and make meaningful contributions to their respective fields.

In the following sections, I will provide a step-by-step guide on how to ask CoPilot with Bing Chat for research topic ideas. We will go through specific topics which we are interested in and would like to pursue.

Let’s discover how AI can assist us on how to develop research questions.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Make a Research Question Using AI like Bing Chat or CoPilot

To effectively ask AI like Bing Chat or CoPilot for research topic ideas, follow this step-by-step guide on how to generate a research question:

  1. Open CoPilot with Bing Chat: Launch the AI-powered browser tool on your device and ensure you have a stable internet connection.
  2. Specify your research interests: Clearly define the areas you want to explore, such as “food security” or “climate change.” This will help AI generate more relevant suggestions tailored to your research goals. Set the conversation style to More Precise.
  3. Use the chat feature: Engage in a conversation with CoPilot with Bing Chat by typing your query or research topic of interest. For example, you could ask, “What are the current trends in food security research?” or “How does climate change impact energy supply?”
  4. Explore the generated prompts: AI will analyze your query and provide you with a list of prompt questions and ideas related to your research interests. Take the time to review these suggestions and consider their relevance and potential for further exploration.
  5. Refine your research question: Based on the prompts provided, narrow down your focus and refine your research question. Consider the feasibility, significance, and potential impact of each topic before making a final decision.
  6. Conduct additional research: Once you have selected a research question, use CoPilot with Bing Chat to gather more information and resources related to your chosen topic. The AI-powered tool can assist you in finding relevant articles, studies, and data to support your research.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can leverage the capabilities of CoPilot with Bing Chat to generate research topic ideas and streamline the initial stages of your research process. With AI as your research assistant, you can save time and effort while exploring a wide range of subjects and making meaningful contributions to your field of study.

Example Research Questions on 5 Most Pressing Concerns in the World Today

How to Make a Research Question Using CoPilot with Bing Chat: 5 Examples 1

Examples play a crucial role in illustrating how-to guides and providing practical guidance. When it comes to writing research questions, examples are particularly important as they serve as a guide and demonstrate the proper way to formulate effective questions.

By providing examples of research questions, we can better understand the process and structure involved in creating meaningful inquiries. These examples allow us to see firsthand how different topics can be approached and how specific questions can be tailored to address different phenomena.

The importance of being able to write research questions using examples as a guide cannot be overstated. Examples not only help us grasp the fundamental concepts and principles behind research question formulation, but they also inspire creativity and critical thinking.

Moreover, examples provide a tangible reference point that allows us to apply the knowledge gained to our own research endeavors. They serve as a starting point, helping us navigate the complexities of research and enabling us to develop well-crafted questions that align with our objectives.

So here are five of the most pressing concerns in the world today that we can focus our research on. These topics were generated by CoPilot with Bing Chat. Example research questions are given with an explanation after each question emphasizing the importance of such study.

1. Food Security

  • Research Question: How does access to nutritious food impact the overall health and well-being of individuals in low-income communities?
  • Importance: Food security is a critical issue that affects millions of people worldwide. This research question aims to explore the relationship between access to nutritious food and the health outcomes of individuals living in low-income communities. By understanding the importance of food security, we can develop strategies and policies to address this issue and improve the overall well-being of vulnerable populations.

2. Climate Change

  • Research Question: What are the long-term effects of rising sea levels on coastal communities and their infrastructure?
  • Importance: Climate change poses significant threats to coastal communities, particularly through rising sea levels. This research question seeks to investigate the long-term impacts of these rising sea levels on the infrastructure and livelihoods of coastal communities. By understanding the importance of this topic, we can develop adaptation and mitigation strategies to protect vulnerable areas and ensure the sustainability of coastal communities.

3. Energy Supply

  • Research Question: How can renewable energy sources be effectively integrated into the existing energy grid to reduce reliance on fossil fuels?
  • Importance: The transition to renewable energy sources is crucial for addressing climate change and ensuring a sustainable energy future. This research question focuses on exploring the effective integration of renewable energy sources into the existing energy grid. By understanding the importance of this topic, we can develop strategies and policies to accelerate the adoption of renewable energy and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

4. Cost of Living

  • Research Question: What are the main factors contributing to the increasing cost of housing in urban areas, and how does it impact the affordability of living?
  • Importance: The rising cost of housing in urban areas is a pressing issue that affects the affordability of living for many individuals and families. This research question aims to identify the main factors contributing to this increase and understand its impact on the overall cost of living. By understanding the importance of this topic, we can develop policies and interventions to address housing affordability and ensure sustainable urban development.

5. Inflation

  • Research Question: How does inflation impact the purchasing power of individuals and the overall economy?
  • Importance: Inflation is an economic phenomenon that affects the purchasing power of individuals and the stability of the overall economy. This research question seeks to explore the relationship between inflation and its impact on individuals’ ability to afford goods and services. By understanding the importance of this topic, we can develop strategies and policies to manage inflation and ensure economic stability.

These research questions on food security, climate change, energy supply, cost of living, and inflation highlight the importance of addressing these major phenomena. By investigating these topics, we can gain valuable insights and develop solutions to improve the well-being of individuals, protect the environment, and promote sustainable development.


In conclusion, this article has provided a step-by-step guide on how to make a research question using CoPilot with Bing Chat. By following these instructions, researchers can effectively leverage the capabilities of AI to generate relevant research topic ideas and streamline the initial stages of their research process.

First, it is important to open CoPilot with Bing Chat, the AI-powered browser tool. Then, researchers should specify their research interests, clearly defining the areas they want to explore. Engaging in a conversation with the AI by typing queries or research topics of interest is the next step. AI will analyze these queries and provide a list of prompt questions and ideas related to the research interests.

Researchers should take the time to review these suggestions and consider their relevance and potential for further exploration. Based on the prompts provided, they can then refine their research question, considering feasibility, significance, and potential impact. Once a research question is selected, Bing Chat or CoPilot can be used to gather more information and resources related to the chosen topic.

By following this guide, researchers can effectively utilize AI like Bing Chat or CoPilot to generate research topic ideas and streamline their research process. With the assistance of AI, researchers can explore a wide range of areas and make informed decisions about their research questions.