How to Write Learning Objectives: 35 Examples

how to write learning objectives
A student analyzes the impact of air pollution using a model.

How do you write learning objectives? This article defines learning objectives for clarity and gives 35 examples of learning objectives.


Having clear learning objectives is crucial in conducting effective classes. These objectives serve as a roadmap for both educators and learners, outlining the specific knowledge, skills, and competencies that will be covered during the learning experience.

By clearly defining what students are expected to achieve, learning objectives provide a sense of direction and purpose, ensuring that the teaching and learning process remains focused and meaningful.

It is important to differentiate learning objectives from learning outcomes. While learning objectives focus on what students will be able to do or understand by the end of a lesson or course, learning outcomes are the actual results or achievements of the learning process. Learning objectives are the stepping stones that guide students towards the desired outcomes.

By setting clear learning objectives, educators can effectively plan their lessons, select appropriate teaching strategies, and design assessments that align with the desired outcomes. Students, on the other hand, benefit from having a clear understanding of what is expected of them, which helps to enhance their motivation, engagement, and overall learning experience.

In the following sections, we will explore various examples of learning objectives to provide a comprehensive understanding of their importance and how they can be effectively utilized in different educational settings.

But first, let’s look at three different definitions of learning objectives.

Learning Objectives Defined

Learning objectives can be defined in various ways, each highlighting different aspects of their purpose and function. Learning objectives can be described as:

  1. Specific statements that describe what learners should be able to do or understand after completing a learning experience.”This definition emphasizes the importance of specificity and clarity in outlining the expected outcomes of the learning process. By setting specific objectives, educators can effectively guide students towards achieving desired knowledge and skills.
  2. Measurable goals that provide a framework for assessing student progress and achievement.” This definition underscores the importance of measurability in learning objectives. By establishing measurable goals, educators can track and evaluate students’ progress, ensuring that they are on track to achieve the desired outcomes.
  3. Guiding principles that shape the design and delivery of educational experiences.” This definition highlights the role of learning objectives in guiding the overall educational experience. By providing a clear sense of direction and purpose, learning objectives help educators plan and deliver effective lessons that align with the desired outcomes.

Among these definitions, the most plausible definition for learning objectives, with my little modification to allow measurement, is the first one. This definition emphasizes the importance of specificity, which is crucial for effective teaching and learning.

I added “positive changes” because I believe that after a learning experience, the student must learn something useful or beneficial to advance his or her knowledge, skills, or attitude.

By clearly defining what learners should be able to do or understand, educators can provide a roadmap for both themselves and their students, ensuring that the learning process remains focused and meaningful. Specific learning objectives also help students understand what is expected of them, enhancing their motivation and engagement.

Therefore, the first definition aligns well with the purpose and function of learning objectives in educational settings.

How to Write Learning Objectives: 35 Examples

Learning objectives play a crucial role in guiding the educational process and ensuring that students achieve the desired outcomes. By setting specific and measurable goals, educators can effectively design and deliver lessons that align with the desired learning outcomes.

In this section, I will provide examples of learning objectives in various subject areas, all of which are aligned with the definition of learning objectives chosen in the previous section. These examples comprise the course and their corresponding learning objectives.

1. Principles and Theories of Language Acquisition and Learning

Example Learning Objectives

  1. List the major theories of language acquisition and their implications for language teaching.
  2. Analyze the role of nature and nurture in language development.
  3. Apply language acquisition theories to real-life language learning situations.
  4. Evaluate the effectiveness of different language teaching methods based on language acquisition theories.
  5. Synthesize research findings on language acquisition and learning to inform language teaching practices.

2. Human Anatomy and Physiology

Example Learning Objectives

  1. Identify the major organs and systems of the human body.
  2. Explain the functions of each organ and system in maintaining homeostasis.
  3. Analyze the interrelationships between different organs and systems in the human body.
  4. Apply anatomical and physiological knowledge to understand common health conditions and diseases.
  5. Evaluate the impact of lifestyle choices on human anatomy and physiology.

3. Introduction to Construction Engineering

Example Learning Objectives

  1. Describe the fundamental principles and concepts of construction engineering.
  2. Apply mathematical and scientific principles to solve construction engineering problems.
  3. Analyze the structural integrity of different construction materials and techniques.
  4. Design construction plans based on engineering standards and regulations.
  5. Collaborate effectively with multidisciplinary teams to complete construction projects.

4. Counseling Psychology

Example Learning Objectives

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of major counseling theories and approaches.
  2. Apply counseling techniques to facilitate client self-exploration and problem-solving.
  3. Evaluate ethical considerations in the practice of counseling psychology.
  4. Develop effective communication and interpersonal skills for counseling relationships.
  5. Point out personal biases and values that may impact the counseling process.

5. Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Example Learning Objectives

  1. Identify the major nutrients and their functions in the human body.
  2. Analyze the impact of diet on overall health and well-being.
  3. Develop personalized nutrition plans based on individual needs and goals.
  4. Evaluate the effectiveness of different diet therapies for specific health conditions.
  5. Advocate for evidence-based nutrition practices to promote healthy lifestyles.

6. Applied Statistics

Example Learning Objectives

  1. Describe the fundamental concepts and principles of statistics.
  2. Apply statistical methods to analyze and interpret data.
  3. Evaluate the validity and reliability of statistical findings.
  4. Use statistical software to conduct data analysis and visualization.
  5. Communicate statistical findings effectively to different audiences.

7. Introduction to Earth Science

Example Learning Objectives

  1. Identify the major components of the Earth system and their interactions.
  2. Explain the processes that shape the Earth’s surface, such as plate tectonics and erosion.
  3. Analyze the impact of human activities on the Earth’s environment.
  4. Interpret geological and meteorological data to make informed predictions.
  5. Apply scientific inquiry and critical thinking skills to investigate Earth science phenomena.

These examples demonstrate the diverse range of learning objectives across different subject areas. Each objective is specific, measurable, and aligned with the chosen definition of learning objectives. By setting clear expectations for what students should be able to do or understand, educators can guide the learning process effectively and ensure that students achieve the desired outcomes.

You may refer to Bloom’s Action Verbs as your guide in writing measurable learning objectives.


Having clear learning objectives is essential for guiding the educational process and ensuring that students achieve the desired outcomes. Throughout the previous sections, we have explored examples of learning objectives in various subject areas, all of which are aligned with the definition of learning objectives. These examples demonstrate the diverse range of objectives that educators can set to facilitate effective learning.

Learning objectives serve as a roadmap for both educators and students, outlining the expected outcomes of the learning process. By setting specific and measurable goals, educators can design and deliver lessons that align with these objectives. This helps to ensure that students gain the knowledge and skills for success.

The examples provided on how to write learning objectives in the previous sections illustrate how learning objectives can be applied in different subject areas. From principles and theories of language acquisition to human anatomy and physiology, construction engineering, counseling psychology, nutrition and diet therapy, applied statistics, and earth science, each objective is specific, measurable, and aligned with the chosen definition of learning objectives.

By setting clear expectations for what students should be able to do or understand, educators can guide the learning process effectively. This not only helps students stay focused and motivated, but also enables educators to assess student progress and adjust their teaching strategies accordingly.

In conclusion, having clear learning objectives is crucial for effective education. It provides a framework for educators to design and deliver lessons that align with desired outcomes, ensuring that students acquire the necessary knowledge and skills. By setting specific and measurable goals, educators can guide the learning process and help students achieve success in their educational journey.