Would you believe that Sinovac efficacy against delta variant is 100%? That’s for the severe symptoms of COVID-19. I just found out today when I browsed online to find out how Sinovac performs as I got inoculated with two doses of Sinovac.
I’m a little bit worried about the news that COVID-19 vaccines appear to be ineffective against the delta variant of COVID-19, even exhibiting worse symptoms for those who were vaccinated.
I chanced upon a recent study suggesting that Sinovac is still effective. Read on to find out more about this study.
Here I am again trying to contend with the issue of Sinovac vaccine efficacy against the delta variant. What’s happening in the world? When will this problem on the virus ever end?
Dilemma on Vaccine Efficacy
If you get vaccinated, you worry about the side effects. Once you had yourself vaccinated, here’s the news again that Sinovac as a common COVID-19 vaccine may not be effective against the delta variant. You may even be more susceptible to get the delta variant because of the so-called Antibody Dependent Enhancements or ADE mechanism.
Do I need a booster shot? Perhaps, an mRNA vaccine like the ones produced by Moderna or Pfizer? All this news keeps my head spinning.
I feel as if I am a computer that needs to get an updated antivirus each time a new virus threat comes in the way.
Are there nasty people producing these viruses to keep their antivirus (ahem, vaccines) on sale? Well, at least we have available vaccines to counter the effect of COVID-19.
I can’t help but write about vaccine efficacy as I have written in the previous posts. That’s because I see it necessary to inform people about things that may be disturbing them in these challenging pandemic times.
This information that Sinovac efficacy against delta variant can allay the fears of those who have been vaccinated by Sinovac vaccine. Earlier, I also tackled the question on Sinovac vaccine side effects.
My Personal Cause of Worry in Getting the Delta Variant
I have observed that my friends are no longer posting that much on Facebook where I try to figure out how they deal with this pandemic. I’m curious about how they cope, as mobility poses a challenge for everyone. Perhaps they worry much about the arrival of the delta variant of COVID-19. I hope not.

I still do my running, albeit more occasionally, mindful of the possible transmission of the COVID-19 virus whenever I expose myself outside. But exercise as a habit for more than nine years is difficult to shrug off. So I still go out early in the morning to complete my two miles whenever possible.
I make sure that I distance myself from the other runners, although there are runners who suddenly bolt from my back. They are not mindful of the danger they are posing to other runners with their behavior. The six-lined running lane is wide but I’m exasperated by such behavior.
There are designated walk lanes, but some runners just whiz past your lane while walking at a close distance. Some athletes run in the lane supposedly for walking. At least I saw one who even spits on the lane.
These highly considerate individuals (I mean the opposite) just ignore the rules. What if that runner is an asymptomatic COVID-19 carrier of the delta variant?
Much more disturbing is that some of those who exercise sometimes cough. I don’t know if they cough because of their struggle to breathe due to the distance they have covered.
What if they are, in fact, infected with COVID-19? They cough without masks, or not even bothering to cover their mouths. Am I still protected if I happen to gain contact with a carrier of the delta variant of COVID-19?
Sinovac Efficacy Against Delta Variant
As ordinary citizens trying to survive this epidemic, we need to comfort ourselves with some light of hope. Even the slightest hope can help a lot.
So what information is out there about Sinovac efficacy against the delta variant? Here’s what CNA news of Singapore has to say about Sinovac in relation to other COVID-19 vaccines.
This video, however, made no mention of an article published by Taylor and Francis last August 14, 2021, on Sinovac vaccine efficacy against delta variant. The study suggests that Sinovac efficacy against the delta variant is 100%. But the authors caution that this may be an overestimate given the small sample of the study.
While critics play down the efficacy of Sinovac vaccine against the delta variant, the information somewhat eases the tension I have about the delta variant. Accordingly, Yanzhong Huang, a senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations said “They might have overestimated the efficacy rate of the Chinese vaccines.”
If you read the paper which I link below, indeed the researchers cautioned that the findings have to be taken with caution. The abstract says “[Sinovac works] 100% against severe COVID-19 which might overestimate due to the small sample size.“
Efficacy of inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccines against the Delta variant infection in Guangzhou: A test-negative case-control real-world study
The paper apparently needs a little copyediting for clarity. What it means, in my understanding, is that saying 100% effective against the delta variant is likely an overestimate given the small sample size of 366. The authors say though that their findings justify the need to mass vaccinate people against the delta variant.
You may read the paper yourself and make your own judgment.
Prevention Still is Better Than Cure
Despite knowing that Sinovac efficacy against delta variant is 100% against severe symptoms of COVID-19, it is still our responsibility to keep ourselves safe and others. Prevention, still, is the best solution to any virus out there. Wearing a mask and keeping a distance from other people even if you are vaccinated can lessen your chance of getting COVID-19.
Besides, if your second shot of the Sinovac vaccine has not yet reached six months, you are still protected. According to an infectious disease specialist, a recent study in Thailand demonstrated that the efficacy of Sinovac vaccine works well against the original coronavirus strain at 98.33%. Although it went down to 75% for the Alpha variant and 70% for the Beta variant, a level of protection is better than none.
With vaccines getting more scarce due to high demand worldwide, you are fortunate to have yourself inoculated with two doses of Sinovac.
Would a booster shot help? No one knows at this time if this is necessary.
Delaying your decision until new information comes in puts you on the side of caution. Once inoculated, there is no turning back.
© P. A. Regoniel 1 September 2021