This article discusses how the philosophy of “edecolepmentalism” can be translated into a university’s vision, mission, goal and program objectives. Read on how a new philosophy based on current events can guide a university’s direction.
Educators nowadays particularly those who are in the top management are fully aware of the importance of accrediting their academic programs. They work hard for it in order not to be left behind.
The first area in accreditation is the vision and mission of the university, and its college or institute’s goal and program objectives. The mission and vision of the university focuses the university’s resources to realize specific desired outcomes.
Before a university could decide for its own vision, the top management or administrators should determine first which educational philosophy they should adopt as their basis. Some of the educational philosophies that are commonly used in schools are perennialism, essentialism, progressivism, and reconstructionism. Perennialism focuses on personal development; essentialism on important skills; progressivism on advances in science, technology, economic development, and social organization that can improve human condition; and reconstructionism on reconstructing society by instilling habits and values to students that are useful to the greater community.
However, many changes take place in education nowadays and I believe that there is no single philosophy that can capture the phenomena in the 21st century. Thus, I humbly offer my personal philosophy in higher education based on current educational trends. I call this edecolepmentalism.
Briefly, edecolepmentalism can be illustrated in the following table:
Aim of Education | Role of Education | Focus in the Curriculum | Curriculum Trends |
Using this table, this philosophy can be translated into a university’s vision, mission, goal and program objectives:
The Vision
If the administrators have foresight of being world-class, they should locate first in a map where they want to be known in a particular year. “World class” status cannot be done overnight. Careful planning and well-thought strategies are required in order to reach that dream.
In effective strategic planning, a university must have a medium-term or long-term development plan. For example, the key personnel of the university guided by the president will plan what they want to achieve specifically in the next 5 or 10 years. They should identify which part of the world they want their university to be known geographically. For example, the vision can be written as “One of the Top Universities in Southeast Asia”.
The Mission
The mission statement contains the university’s commitment to its stakeholders and the community it serves. It also contains the functions of a university such as instruction, research, extension and production. And lastly, it contains ways on how to achieve its mission. For example, it can be attained through transnational collaborations, research and innovations.
An example of a university that has an Edecolepmentalism philosophy is the Palawan State University (PSU) headed by Dr. Jeter S. Sespeñe, my university president. Please check out the PSU website to see how the vision and mission were formulated based on this philosophy.
Since a university is composed of colleges and institutes, every college must have its own set of goals and program objectives.
The Goal
The goal is the purpose of the college or institute. It can be written as _________ (the name of the college or institute) aims to improve or upgrade the quality of __________ (the nature or the mandate of your college or institute) through _________ (the functions of the university) relevant to _______ (the idea being conveyed). Below is an example of the goal of the College of Education of the Palawan Sate University:
The College of Teacher Education aims to upgrade the quality of basic education in the country by providing excellent instruction, research, extension, and production services relevant to pre-service teacher education.
The Program Objectives
A college is composed of different programs. Each program or course must have its own objectives that are aligned with its college’s goals. The objectives must be specific. It contains what should be developed among the students in order to be at par with other graduates in the world.
Here are the examples of the program objectives of the College of Teacher Education at the Palawan State University:
Program Objectives for Doctor of Education
- To enhance the competence of educational professionals in the efficient and effective management of resources to attain educational goals and objectives; and
- To stimulate, encourage, and sustain productive research leading to innovations of educational practices and systems.
Program Objectives for Master of Arts in Education
- To develop competent teachers in all levels of education by upgrading their knowledge and honing their skills along the different areas of specialization; and
- To produce school administrators who are competent and creative in managing educational institutions through advanced research and training.
So, if you are a school administrator or a school owner and you want to adopt my philosophy, you may pattern your VMGOs from that of Palawan State University. I’m sure my University President, would be glad to help and establish network with you through transnational collaborations and linkages.
© 2014 October 26 M. G. Alvior
An excellent research item. I am doing curriculum development for Christian school. I wish your document had been a bit lower to a comprehensive school. K- 12
hello, you r article is very educative, would you please explain this to me….why curriculum innovation should be an on-going activity?
Hi, Abi. What information do you need?
. thanks for the article ma’am. i learned a lot. may u continue to give more info. about curriculum development
Hello, Jomar. Thanks for your kind words. Please pray for me to continually share information about curriculum.
Dear Mam,
I am really glad to have had an opportunity to go through your articles on the web. I have also read your replies to many queries from readers. Your replies were prompt and enriching. I too like to ask you how do you define “Curriculum development and review” in the perspective of a higher education curriculum.
Thanks in advance
Hello, Dr. Syed. You are welcome. Please read this article,
Thanks a lot.
Dr. Mary
Thank you I need more information
Hi Madam Alvior!
I am a college instructor. I am happy reading your article! Can you give us more references about Curriculum Devlopment? Thank you! God bless!
Hello, Ma’am Jane. Please wait for my book. It will hopefully publish tonight or tomorrow. Thanks so much.
hi. ma’am I am analiza sabanal. can you please give me an idea of this, how does the principal evaluate their school’s curriculum?
Hello, Analiza. Sorry for a delayed reply. There are many ways on how to evaluate the curriculum. The principal can have the so-called school evaluation or accreditation, if it applies to your district or country. But in a simple way, the principal can take a look at how the lesson plans were implemented, the textbooks, and the students’ performance. There are other ways but they are too many to mention. I have given you only the basics. Thank you.
i suppose i can also do a doctoral study in the same area, and you be my supervisor
Sure! It is my pleasure Sir Edson. Just pray that I would have time to help you out and I am physically able to do so. God bless!
I am a university lecturer and have found this very key. Thank you
Welcome, Sir Edson Moyo.
Hello 🙂 this article really helped me to complete my field study 4. Thank You 😉
how do you perceive your role as a curricularist?
I perceive it essential for nation building, for addressing economic and societal problems in general, and for globalizing higher education. As a curricularist, I want to help the humanity for a greater cause, and that is the reason why this site exists. I wish that you also help us globalize higher education by telling other students, friends, and family about this site. Here at SimplyEducate.Me, we discuss topics on research, statistics, health, environment, and education.
You are welcome, Rhose.
Welcome, Rhose. Please share this site to your friends.
Hello! I truly appreciate it. Have a nice day! God bless
Your welcome, Sure I’ll be happy reading another article from you.
Hi! Thank you so much for visiting the site and for liking the article. Please read another article on edecolepmentalism at
I wish that you will also share the site to your friends and relatives. contains a lot of topics on education, research, statistics, and environment.
To know more about it, please read
Thanks so much and God bless.
Hi Mary,
This is a great article and indeed the new philosophy you recommended is also great and is very helpful and unique.