About SimplyEducate.Me Philosophy:
“I do not want to lose myself in the quagmire of jargon and complex terms, rather, I’d write simply to educate the masses for the greatest benefit.“
– P. A. Regoniel
This online resource intends to provide free, simplified education for students, both undergraduate and graduate, on research-oriented topics encountered in college or the graduate school. This website was originally designed and maintained by its administrator, Dr. Regoniel, as a hobby. He regularly posts (sometimes occasionally as time permits) as writer and editor of informative articles. He uses this website as a medium of instruction for research, statistics, and environmental science which are his line of interest and specialization. Later, upon the prompt of a colleague, a general education category was added to accommodate posts by other authors whose interests fall outside of the original categories.

The main goal of SimplyEducate.me is to host articles along the topics mentioned in easily understandable, down-to-earth mode, and in a conversational way. It aims to simplify complex themes or topics associated with research and statistics in particular, without losing the essence, for greater understanding and appreciation of students who find the subjects daunting. This information dissemination approach allows authors to connect effectively with the readers, who, expectedly, are students looking for information they can rely on.
Some articles appear encyclopedic, as the author finds information on those topics lacking or requires more exposition. Relevant references are given to add more value to the content and allow the reader to delve further into the original source.
This website is also designed for professors, graduate students and research-oriented writers or journalists in general who would like to unselfishly contribute their time and talent to share the practical knowledge they gained while doing research and/or statistics in all fields these are applied. Practical knowledge is emphasized in the articles in this website as there already are voluminous articles on the theoretical aspects of research, statistics, the environment, technology, health, and travel. Therefore, actual field experiences and lessons learned by authors from those experiences characterize the posts.
You may Register to share your knowledge about research, statistics, and the environment. Or anything about education that you might want to share with the academics and people who look for reliable and factual information. Be one of the unique writers.
Venue for Sharing Your Portfolio of Articles
This website provides the venue where you can build your portfolio of articles useful for instruction as well as make yourself known as a writer. You may also use this site to drive traffic to your open access articles in scientific journals thus get cited more often. Describe your technical paper in layman’s terms and provide a link for your readers who want to know more about your discovery.
Contents submitted in this site passes through a spam filter (Anti-spam by Cleantalk), gets edited and checked for plagiarism by Simplyeducate.me editors with the aid of Grammarly, and may be rejected if found irrelevant, plagiarized or of poor quality. Aim for quality writing to speed up the publication process. See Editorial Guidelines for more details.
If you would rather read and expand your knowledge on research, statistics, the environment, and other disciplines, you may subscribe via email to keep track of the articles published in this site. These posts are summarized in a monthly newsletter. The subscription box is found at the right sidebar, just below the link to the eBooks.
Selected articles feature a citation box below the web page for easy referencing. You may copy and paste or modify the suggested bibliographic entry if you are writing a paper that requires you to cite your sources.
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You may use the search box provided at the extreme right of the navigation bar to type your keywords to access articles in this site or you may click the categories for the links to the featured articles in each theme.
Please note that these articles, although free to access, are copyrighted material hence must not be copied without permission from the author. Knowledge is meant to be shared but not to be plagiarized and published as if those who copied it generated the content themselves (see Copyright Notice).
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©2012 October 23 SimplyEducate.me
Updated: 5/17/14; 5/30/14; 12/25/14; 1/26/20; 2/25/20; 10/2/20; 11/10/20; 12/3/21